
Movie #29

Date Released: 4.21.1990 (released widely in July, 1991. This was the film festival date)

Date Watched: 7.14.2020


Ok. I am not smart enough to review this but I do know it’s the first absolutely brilliant movie I’ve watched so far. Linklater strings you along through this whole winding story about the everyday lives of Austinites but the movie is about so much more. What, you ask? I cannot explain. As the movie winds down, it really only begins to come into focus. It is existential. It is about the camera generation (oh well Linklater brings us into the era of everything caught on film). You forget that you are watching a movie and then the whole thing becomes meta because it is about life caught on film. It is about our memories and about the human experience. It is about politics and anarchy and love and about whether anyone can really be free. 

I’m just taking wild guesses here, but so far this is number one on my list. 

Great movie!

Publishing Notes:


Down The Drain


Miami Blues